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mara celine from italia

salve John mi piacerebbe parlare con te. sono in contatto via E-mail con Juan Manuel Vasquez che ora è in Libia. Vorrei veramente conoscerti saluti Mara


Flying Eagle

May the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon you, and the sun rise with joy in your heart.**********
Häppy new Year to all of you Love & Ligth Flying Eagle


Brandy Dettmer from San Jose, CA, USA

Hola John, Me encanta tu musica y espero que vengas a los estados unidos para hacer conciertos. sinceramente, tu amiga, Brandy


Maria Avtomanova from Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Hi, my name is Maria, I live in Uzbekistan. In 2005 I was in Germany and saw them singing on Koenigstrasse, I was really impressed. And this year on my birthday my friend from Germany sent me a new cd The secret of the dancing spirits. Their music is absolutely fantastic!!!


Pär Ericsson from Sweden

I just got your album Indian's Visions from a market, and i enjoy it very much.
Thanks for great music!


Flying Eagle

May the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon you, and the sun rise with joy in your heart.**********
Häppy new Year to all of you Love & Ligth Flying Eagle